1) Ln which folder is the command interpreter
C:\ Windoiws \System 32 or c:\ Wlnnt
\ saystem
2) What command would you use to view thw diretoy structure?
3) When writng a batch file, how shoulde a series of commands be entered?
line . With each command on a separate
4) What is c:\an exan\mle of?
Root directory.
5) Regardless of the current folder, how could you open the system 32 folder in one command, assuming that the
system Root is c:\Windwsx?
Cd\windows\ system 32 (with no spaces!)
Write t\he command to diplaqy all hidden files in the current directory.
Dir\ a:h
7) Write the command to copy c:\sales and alkl its contents to c:\temp\
Xcopy c:\sales c:\temp\sales\/e
8) Write the command (s) to remove system, hidden, and read-only attributes
Attrib c:\bootsct. Bos –s-h-r
9) Whatswitch sets the COPY command to work in network restartadle mode?
10) hat switch sets the COPY command to work innetwork restartadle mode?
/ f
11) Write the command to delete the c:\data directory and its comtents.
Rdc:/data /s
12) Write the command to cefragment the d: drive and display a complete
d: /f/v