1) Which devices provide network connections on the lnyernet?
2) TCP/LP packets can teke any route around a network to reach their destination.whet destination. What prevents a packet the destination is unreachable
Teavellion around the network perpetually?
Each packet is configured wind a lifespan called time to live (TTL)
3) On a firewall, what port would you configure to allow SMTP communications omly?
Allow port 25and deny all others.
4) TCP/IP addressing utillises an 32-bit IP address with a sudnet mask, but what are the components of NWLink addressing?
Frsme type, network numder, and internal network number.
5) What would you suspect if a TCP/IP host is configured to use the IP address has bas configured manually or the machine has failed to contact a DHCP server and is using an APLPA- assigned address.
6) What is classless lnterdomain Routing?
Using variedle length network addresses (subnwt masks) .this is a more flexible to contact a DHCP server and is using an APLPA –assigned address.
7) What protocol resolves an LP address to a network adapter:s Mac address?
ARP (address Resolution Protocol).
8) Why is a preshared key not a suitable wireless authentication modelfor enterprise networks?
Distridution of thekeyis not secure.
9) What version of wireless encrypti onprovides support for the 802.11i standard?
WPA_2 (Wi-Fi protected Access version2).
10) What software is required to browse resources on a Net Ware server?
Novell Client for windows.