After being banned from using Android, Huawei is working on its own OS that is rumoured to rival the Google-made counterpart. A previous report suggested that Huawei's new operating system might be announced in August or September. However, a new report suggests that the upcoming mobile OS could be released in October and is apparently 60 percent faster than Android. As per the report, smartphone makers like OPPO and VIVO have sent their teams to test the new system. However, we suggest you take this information with a pinch of salt since there are no details of what tests were conducted to arrive at this number.
In a separate report, Guo Mingxi, a Tianfeng International analyst forecasted that Huawei could ship up to 220 million smartphones this year. This is said to happen if the company manages to mend its relations with the US. However, if things continue to be as they are and upcoming Huawei phones launch running on Oak OS, the company might end up shipping between 2.15–225 million phone units. There are also reports that Huawei has shipped its Oak OS in about 1 million smartphones to test it out. It remains to be seen how the company’s efforts pan out as it has been lobbying for app developers to publish their apps on its AppGallery. The company is also said to be in talks with Aptoide, which is an alternative to the Google Play Store.
Huawei is currently trying to sort out the problematic situation it landed in due to the ongoing US-China trade wars. The smartphone maker was placed on an Entity list that bars American companies from working it and as a result, it was banned from using Android operating system on its phones. The company is currently on a 90 day grace period where it can roll out updates to its smartphones that are running on Android. However, it has a plan-B in motion with its own OS that is rumoured to be called HongMeng in China and Oak OS in other regions.
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