The Samsung Galaxy M10 is powered by an Exynos 7870 octa-core processor and has a dual camera setup on the back. Samsung has launched the M series in India to target Millenials. The phone has a water drop notch on top of it, which makes it stylish in terms of design. On the other hand, the Redmi 6A is a very basic phone in terms of design and display but packs a powerful set of specifications under a price of Rs 6,000. So, let’s compare these two budget devices to know which one packs better hardware under its hood within a limited budget. Let’s begin with the display of these two smartphones. As you can see in the sheet above, the Samsung Galaxy M10 sports a 6.22-inch display that offers a resolution of 720 x 1520 pixels, while the Xiaomi Redmi 6A features a 5.45-inch display that comes with a resolution of 720 x 1440 pixels. When it comes to the processor, the Galaxy M10 is powered by an Exynos 7870 octa-core processor, which is paired with 2GB RAM and 16GB internal memory, while the Xiaomi Redmi 6A is powered by a MediaTek Helio A22 chipset, which is coupled with 2GB RAM and 16GB internal memory that is expandable to up to 256GB via a microSD card. As far as the cameras are concerned, the Galaxy M10 has a dual 13MP + 5MP camera setup on the back along with a 13MP sensor on the front. On the other hand, the Xiaomi Redmi 6A features a 13MP unit on the back with a 5MP sensor on the front. The Galaxy M10 will go on sale in India on February 5 via Amazon. The Xiaomi Redmi 6A is available on Amazon for Rs 5,999
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