FTP Server How to Change In Primary DNS Server Part 2HARDWARE NETWORKING LINUX SOFTWAREIt Tech Technology

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

FTP Server How to Change In Primary DNS Server Part 2

Change In Primary DNS Server:

Step-6:  Edit Forward Lookup zone file for ftp server record

[root@ns1 ~]# cd /var/named/chroot/var/named/

[root@ns1 named]# vi alphabd.fz

Modified File:  alphabd.fz

$TTL 86400
@          IN SOA     ns1.alphabd.net.       root.alphabd.net. (
                           2011022501 ; serial (d. adams)
                           3H         ; refresh
                           15M        ; retry
                           1W         ; expiry
                           1D )       ; minimum

          IN NS      ns1.alphabd.net.
     `    IN NS      ns2.alphabd.net.
ns1        IN A

ns2        IN A
ftp        IN A

Note:  Remember must change the zone file serial number (Forward lookup).

Step-7:  Edit Reverse Lookup zone file for ftp server record

[root@ns1 named]# vi alphabd.rz

Modified File:  alphabd.rz

$TTL 86400
@          IN SOA     ns1.alphabd.net.       root.alphabd.net. (
                           2011022501 ; serial (d. adams)
                           3H         ; refresh
                           15M        ; retry
                           1W         ; expiry
                           1D )       ; minimum

           IN NS           ns1.alphabd.net.
           IN NS           ns2.alphabd.net.
1          IN PTR          ns1.alphabd.net.

2          IN PTR          ns2.alphabd.net.
7          IN PTR          ftp.alphabd.net.

Testing FTP server :

To connect with FTP server from any client machine follow the steps:

First time when you try to connect with ftp server the connection will refuse by the server because the vsftpd services is by default stopped, so restart all the services,

Step-1:  Test the ftp connection

[root@client ~]# ftp
ftp: connect: Connection refused


Now quit from ftp connecting shell by using “bye” command & restart all the required services

Step-2: Testing the status of vsftpd:

You can test the vsftpd process is running or not by using “netstat –a” command:

[root@ftp ~]# netstat –a | grep ftp

Or you can also use the following command to test that ftp is running or not. If not running then restart all the services.

[root@ftp ~]# service vsftpd status

[root@ftp ~]# service iptables stop

[root@ftp ~]# service network restart

[root@ftp ~]# chkconfig vsftpd on

[root@ftp ~]# service vsftpd restart

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