How To Delete Those Persistent Nasty FilesHARDWARE NETWORKING LINUX SOFTWAREIt Tech Technology

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Monday, August 31, 2015

How To Delete Those Persistent Nasty Files

For those who use some other character map other than standart US ASCII, there sometimes happen some files, who has some nasty characters in its name, which appears in your Windows Explorer but 
when you try to delete it, it says system cannot find the file. 
In order to delete -or rename, whichever you like- that nasty file, 
you can use any ftp client with a visual GUI, like WS-FTP or so. 
In the ftp client's browser window, go to the folder containing that file and edit/delete it in there.


Nasty File Remover
v0.7.2 (24 MAY, 2003)
Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP
                                                     © 2003 by Rudy Alex Kohn
"Imagination is more important than knowledge...” - Albert Einstein
                                           For changes, please refer to "What's New.txt"

- Beta Note -

This is a beta release, so some features might be buggy or not work at all.

NFR is developed under Windows 2000-SP3 using Visual Basic 6-SP5, it has also been tested under Windows XP Pro - However, it is designed to work fine on any system. Be careful on older windows versions (9x) - make sure you don't remove files which might be needed in next boot up.
Also, this document is not finished – so please don’t mail me about it J (you know who you are!)
If you experiencing NFR Errors or other faults while using or duo to the use of NFR,
Please send me a bug report.

If the problem is related to NFR then include the NFR_ERR.LOG file (if any).
This is located in the program folder.
Also include a description of the error and some info:

        - Windows Version (start>run>winver.exe should give it to you)
        - Display driver version (before/after/during use of NFR - if possible)
        - Graphics Adapter (i.e. GeForce 3 Ti200 128Mb)
        - NFR Version
            NFR uses MSCOMCTL.OCX which apparently is not included in the Visual Basic Runtime Distribution.
            If NFR detects it’s missing it will ask the user if it should download it.

            When done downloading you can choose to install it and continuo NFR without problems
The file is located on my own website.

- End Beta Note -

-       Windows 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP (Please note that I don’t provide support for Windows 95) 
-       VB6 Runtime
-       IE4 or newer
File Listing:

        NFR.exe                - Program File
        NFR.rtf                  - Read me, this file
        NFR.ini                  - Configuration
        NFR.FAQ.txt           - Mini FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
        nfr_zip32.dll           - For zip support (copied to system folder during setup)

NOTE:  NFR is using Info-ZIP's compression library.
Info-ZIP's software (Zip, UnZip and related utilities) is free and can be obtained as source code or executables from various anonymous-ftp sites, including*.


        0. DISCLAIMER and Limitations
        1. Introduction
        2. How to un-install drivers
        2.1 Detonator
        3. How to use NFR
       3.1 Action
               3.1.1 Delete, To Recycle Bin
               3.1.2 Create Batch File
               3.1.3 Create List File
               3.1.4 Create HTML File
               3.1.5 Create ZIP File
        4. Removing NFR
           4.1 Installer
           4.2 Updating

        5. Contact
           5.1 Email
           5.2 MSN
           5.3 Web


0. DISCLAIMER and Limitations
 This software is 100% free, and you may not in any way sell/rent it
(Special rule apply to magazines, read below). You can use this software an unlimited number of
Times for free. Any damage afflicted on you’re Windows installation or any other files during the use of NFR (Nasty File Remover), Can only be blamed the user (i.e. USE AT OWN RISK).
You MAY distribute it through a magazine cover-CD or DVD or similar, but you are required to
Snail Mail me a copy (hardcopy) of the magazine (contact me for address).
            This applies to ALL magazines and ALL versions of NFR.
You may NOT deep link / link to the NFR download link from the main NFR site
( without permission! – I WILL ban sites that do, and I do check regularly.
I’ve already banned 13 sites for linking without permission.
You MAY mirror the file (i.e. copy it to you’re own site and let other people download it from there). But ONLY if you provide link to my website (
Please note that you may mirror NFR as much as you like, as long as

1. Introduction

       What is NFR? Well, it's quite simple.
NFR stands for 'Nasty File Remover' which is a small utility to scan the system folder for
User selected driver files. You can scan for all the types you want.
            Native support for:

·         NVIDIA
·         Creative
·         ATI
·         Matrox
·         S3

You can add more in the ‘Custom’ box, i.e. if you want to scan for ‘Microsoft’ file you should
Press ‘+’ and then type “Microsoft” (no quotes).
This is handy when you are down/upgrading you’re current driver version, so
You don't have any 'leftover' files when the new drivers are installed.

In some cases, having version conflicts can cause instability in both windows and games.
Therefore you should always be sure that no conflicts exists by running NFR after each time
You change NVIDIA drivers.

2. How to un-install drivers

 A good way is to uninstall the drivers from the Add/Remove Programs located in the control panel,
However if you didn't installed a driver with such a feature you can uninstall the drivers from the
Device manager.  (Basic no conflicts exists by )r utils, visit my web site at ;________________________________________________________________(Basic knowledge)

2.1 Detonator
 If you have detonator installed (through use of a setup), you can most likely un-install the
Drivers through NFR (Driver Info>Uninstall). However, the un-install through NFR can only
be used if NFR detect the un-install info.

3. How to use NFR

 At first, NFR attempts to locate the system folder, then is scans the folder for NVIDIA files.
When that's done the user will be presented with a list of found NVIDIA files and their version/info.
            You can select files manually or right click the list for selection menu or use the 'Auto-Select' button
To select a specific version. When you’re happy with the selection, you can press 'Next' to perform
Selected action on selected files.

3.1 Action

3.1.1 Delete, To Recycle Bin
 Deletes selected files, users of win9x should be a bit careful about choosing which
Files to delete.

If 'Delete (To Recycle Bin)' is selected, the files are moved to the recycle bin.
Note: If Recycle Bin is de-activated files are just deleted!

Note on protected systems (2K/XP):
If NFR deletes a file that also exists in the dll-cache it will appear again.

3.1.2 Create Batch file
 You can choose between long (normal) or DOS file path usage.
After you have selected the files to process you will be presented with a save
Dialog, simply choose location/name for the file and press 'Save'.
Using bat files in this way can be handy, as you can remove the files when you
Want and from any prompt boot or copy to floppy etc for later use boot.

3.1.3 Creating List File
Creates a simple text list file.

3.1.4 Create HTML List
 Creates a fairly simple html file list.

3.1.5 Create ZIP File
 Allows creating of a 'Backup' of the files selected by creating a standard zip archive
Containing selected files.

4. Removing NFR

4.1 Installer
 NFR can be removed (completely) by going into Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs, and
Un-install 'NFR vX.X (Remove Only)', or by running the unins_NFR.exe from the
Start-menu/program location. This action deletes all files in the program folder,
so be sure you don't have any files you made there (zip backups etc) before un-installing.

4.2 Updating
 Uninstall older versions before installing new ones,
to ensure that only the needed files are in the installation folder.

5. Contact
 I would appreciate feedback if you like it J

5.1 Email
 You can mail me at one of the following addresses: - (rarely checked)

(Spam and Junk filters are in use on all of them)

Since this program is free, I would appreciate some feedback if you dislike/like NFR.
I'm also open to suggestions and ideas for new features.

If you had some bad experiences with NFR, please let me know in a proper manner
(I.e. no flaming etc) and provide info on what happened so I can improve NFR so it won’t happen to others.

Have you or you’re site made a guide or translation in non-english/non-danish?
If so, please mail me with the URL so I can include it on the website (If allowed).

5.2 MSN
 If you use msn messenger (or similar, which supports it), you can contact me (live).
Use the @hotmail address stated en 5.1

5.3 Web
 For news about NFR and my other free utilities, visit my web site at

5.4 ICQ
 For some, ICQ is a lifestyle, I just have an account:


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