One fine evening, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) goes missing from Apple App Store and Google Play Store, leaving its fan in frenzy. The news broke and the internet went haywire searching for why the battle royale game was banned, whether it was still playable somehow, and if it will return. Over the weekend, we gathered answers to most of those questions, and here’s everything you need to know about the BGMI ban in India.
The Alleged Reason For BGMI BanAlthough initially, Apple and the Government were quiet about the reason for the ban, Google revealed it removed BGMI from the Play Store because of a government directive.
Now, for confidentiality, the exact details were still not being spilled. But as per sources with knowledge of the matter told Reuters that BGMI got pulled off the stores as per Section 69A of the Indian IT Law.
It is being invoked due to the “China Influence” of the game as allegedly, Krafton was sharing data with our neighboring nation.
Here’s the company’s response to the issue at hand —
Krafton Official Statement On BGMI BanKrafton’s initial response was that it is clarifying the reason for the sudden removal of the game from app stores.
Then, just the other day, Krafton CEO, Sean Hyunil Sohn came up with an official statement. The portion of the statement reads: “At KRAFTON, Inc. the security and privacy of our user data is of utmost importance to us. We have always been compliant with all laws and regulations in India including data protection laws and regulations and will continue abiding by them”. He further added, “There may be questions in your minds regarding the current situation about the country's most loved game-BGMI. In line with this, we have been working hard to communicate our sincerity with the concerned authorities and resolve the issues. We kindly request you to wait to hear from us. We will keep you informed about further updates.”
So, let’s have some patience and in the meanwhile check out any of the other BGMI alternatives like PUBG New State Mobile, Apex Legends Mobile, FAU-G, Garena Free Fire Max, and Modern Combat 5.
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