PUBG Mobile India could be released in an expedited process and is likely to be published instantly on the Google Play Store, according to fresh reports. The India specific version of PUBG Mobile was announced on November 12, two months after the popular battle royale game was banned by the Indian government, citing privacy and security reasons.
According to a post by Gem esports on Instagram, the Google Play Store app review team has been notified of publishing PUBG Mobile India instantly and not to be held up in the review queue. The post cites an anonymous source who also disclosed that the notification was sent out on November 24 which likely means that the game will be hitting the Google Play Store in the next few days.
View this post on InstagramDo note however that PUBG Corp has not confirmed an exact launch date for PUBG Mobile India yet. The post clearly states that through this notification, PUBG wants to escalate the publishing process and get the game going in India.
Previously, there have been reports of users having seen a page on the official website that hinted at the game being released for Android users first. This was also reported by one of the founders of GEM esports. The new report is in line with this as it looks like the developers are prioritizing the Android release over iOS. Nonetheless, it is also very likely that PUBG Mobile India ends up being released for both Android and iOS at the same time.
PUBG Mobile India was rumoured to release on November 20 in India, however, we were able to confirm that it wasn’t the case and players will have to wait longer. PUBG Corp is definitely making headway into the launch of PUBG Mobile India and has released a dedicated website, Instagram, Facebook handles and a YouTube channel.
PUBG Mobile India is set to release sometime soon and will feature customized content including a virtual simulation training ground, clothed characters from the start, green hit effects and restriction settings on game time to inculcate healthy gaming habits in younger players. Here are answers to some common questions about the return of PUBG Mobile in India.
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