Tata Sky recently announced that it will discontinue multi-TV connection plans from June 15. This means that users with a multi-TV connection would have to pay for each of the connections they have at home. Now, the company has announced a new ‘Room TV service' that is aimed at making it more ‘feasible’ for consumers to select TV packs on their multi-TV connections. While there is no detailed information on how exactly this new option works, the company says their users with secondary connections can now have different channels and services from the base pack. This base pack mentioned here refers to the plan a user has opted for their primary connection in their home, under the same subscriber ID.
“Subscribers can seamlessly choose the content of their choice on the secondary connections and only pay for the selected content. Their secondary connections can now have different channels & services from the base pack selected for the first connection in the house under the same subscriber ID,” Tata Sky states in its press release. The new option can be accessed via the company’s website or the Tata Sky mobile app. Here’s a video that explains the process but do note that the prices of all additional connections could change from June 15 this year.
While the new ‘Room TV service' by Tata Sky has been explained to some extent by the video above, there are no specifics. For example, it doesn’t answer the questions on whether users will have to pay network capacity fee (NCF) on secondary connections or the additional charges one could incur. Dish TV and Airtel Digital TV recently refreshed their multi-TV offers so that they are in line with TRAI’s mandate. TRAI directed all service providers to offer discounts on NCF for multiple TV connections in the same location.
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