The popular online battle royale multiplayer title PUBG Mobile recently announced the Indian semi-final rankings of its ongoing PUBG Mobile Club Open 2019 (PMCO 2019) tournament. The regional finals of the tournament will be held at the Thyagaraj Sports Complex in New Delhi from June 14 to June 15. A total of 16 teams have qualified the finals and will battle it out to represent India in the PMCO Global Spring Split Finals in Berlin, Germany. The event is free to attend and here are some details that you will need to know in case you are interested in watching the finals in person. If you can’t watch the match in person, then you can still watch live via online streaming.
PMCO 2019: How to attend live or watch the live streamIf you are planning cheering on your favourite teams in person, then head over to the Thyagaraj Sports Complex in New Delhi between June 14 and June 15. Do note that the entry will begin from 1 PM and is free, but seats are awarded on a first come, first serve basis. So, we suggest you reach early as seeing how popular the game is, there’s bound to be a long queue. Those who can’t attend the event in person can watch its live stream online. The event will be streamed live at 2 PM on June 14 and June 15. In addition, the game developers have created special YouTube reward crates that viewers will receive while viewing the competition on both days. You can catch both the live streams right here, through the videos embedded below. Noted comedian, Abhish Matthews will be the EMCEE for the event, and commentary for the streams will be offered in Hindi and English.
Teams competing in PMCO 2019 eventAs mentioned earlier, 16 teams have qualified for the PMCO 2019 regional finals. In the India semi-final rankings, Team Brawlers overtook Team Insidious for the number one spot with a total of 382 points. Team Insidious came in second with 331 points, while Hydra bagged the third spot with 326 points. Teams Soul and Orb grabbed the fourth and fifth spot, which scored 271 and 259 points each.
When PMCO India semi-finals week 1 standings were announced, Team Soul barely made it into the top 16 teams. However, the team later improved their game and grabbed the fourth spot. Other well-known PUBG Mobile teams like RIP Official, Pain Retribution and others have also made it to the top 16 teams.
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