Lava has launched a new smartphone called the Lava Z62 in India. There nothing very unique about the entry-level device, which features run-of-the-mill specs. You get a 6-inch IPS display with 2.5D curved glass, a 2.0GHz MediaTek Quad Core Processor, a dedicated Google Assistant button, 8MP + 5MP camera primary cameras at the back with AI studio Mode, a 3380mAh battery and Face Unlock. Details about the storage, RAM and front camera have not been shared by the company. Perhaps, the company feels these specs aren’t worth highlighting. The only thing Lava is marketing with the phone is an absurd contest which will allow customers to get a Lava Z62 in exchange for their television sets. Yes, you heard it right. Lava wants you to exchange your TV for a free Z62 smartphone worth Rs 6060.
As strange as this sounds, customers aren’t expected to trade in their OLEDs for a Six Thousand Rupee phone. Lava will be accepting TVs of any type and in any condition, so you can put your old CRT TVs to good use. The only caveat here is that the exchange offer is on a first come first serve basis.
Lava’s offer is called “TV Lao, Phone Le Jao” and those interested can register for it here. The registration for the exchange offer will begin on June 18, 2019, from 10:00 AM onwards till the stocks last. Winners will be sent messages on their registered mobile number provided at the time of registration. Once informed, winners will need to keep their TVs ready for exchange. Winners will then need to visit their nearest Lava service centre to receive their free Z62 unit.
To know more about Lava’s TV exchange offer, head here and read the terms and conditions before participating.
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