Google brings back parking location feature in AssistantHARDWARE NETWORKING LINUX SOFTWAREIt Tech Technology

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Monday, June 17, 2019

Google brings back parking location feature in Assistant

It seems that Google has revived a feature that let users turn to the Assistant to ask where they last parked their vehicles. The feature was killed previously, but some users have started to notice a card in Google Assistant which shows where they’ve parked their cars. It was a part of the Google Now feature that delivered information to users to predict info they may need, in the form of cards. Google Now is old news now, however, the same functionality is being served in the Google App feed.

A few Digit employees have also started to see the Parking Location Service card in theie feeds. Interestingly, employees who take public transport have not been served with any such card. Instead, they are being shown information about the mode of transport they choose to commute (which is Delhi Metro in my case). Further, information about Delhi Metro is displayed around 6 in the evening, which is generally the time I leave office. This happens if you have your location services turned ‘On’. If you don’t want Google to track you, turn location services off by navigating to Settings > Security & location > Privacy.

Screenshot of Parking Location Service in Google Feed on OnePlus 7 Pro

Those who are interested in using the Parking Location feature should have their location turned 'On'. You need to tell your Google Assistant where you parked by touching & holding the Home button (or saying “Ok Google”). Say, for example, "I parked here," "Remember where I parked," "I parked my car on level two," "I parked in the South lot" or "My parking spot is F34".

If you forget the place where you parked, ask the Assistant, “Where’s my car?,” or “Where did I park?", or "Do you remember where I parked?” The Google Assistant will tell you the location by placing a pin on the map showing the vehicle’s parking location. The feature comes handy at malls or places that have massive multi-level parking. 

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