The Xiaomi Mi A2, which was launched in August this year, has finally sat down to receive its share of the big Google pie. According to Masood Khan, owner of the Android One page on Google+ and many other users online, an over-the-air update notification for the latest Android version is now appearing on Xiaomi’s Mi A2 handsets. The update size is approximately 1068 megabytes. The changelog mentioned before the update includes what we already know about the Pie update: ‘adaptive battery and brightness’, ‘simpler ways to navigate your phone’ (an allusion to the new pill-based navigation we see on the Pixels no doubt), and ‘recommended apps and actions based on your context’. If you don’t see an update notification in the notification bar of your Xiaomi Mi A2 yet, check for an update manually in Settings. If you still see nothing, just wait as patiently as you can for a few more days; the Android Pie update is definitely in the process of being rolled out. The Mi A2 is Xiaomi’s second Android One smartphone, with the first being the Mi A1. This means it gets a promise from Google to stay updated for up to two years after launch and near-stock version of the operating system. The Mi A2 becomes a natural choice for those who want a Xiaomi device without the MIUI interface. Users of the Mi A1 are expected to get their Pie update sometime in early 2019. The Xiaomi Mi A2 is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 chipset with an octa-core processor clocked at 2.20GHz. The smartphone sells in a 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant priced at Rs 15,999 and a 6GB RAM + 128GB storage variant priced at Rs 18,999. The Mi A2 sports a 5.99-inch Full HD+ display with an aspect ratio of 18:9. What’s cool is that it’s got the latest version of Bluetooth: version 5.0.
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