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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Upgrade BIOS

Upgrade BIOS

Sometimes, especially when upgrading your PC, you may need to perform a BIOS upgrade in order to update your system to accept a new hardware part or to fix a bug. For the average Joe, this procedure is quite obscure. In this tutorial we will give step-by-step procedures on how to upgrade your system BIOS.

PLCC (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier) and is used by current motherboards.

What is BIOS anyway? BIOS is a program stored inside the ROM memory of your motherboard. There are three programs stored there: BIOS, setup and POST. As they are physically stored in the same memory chip, the majority of users call setup and POST as “BIOS”, even though this is wrong, as they are three distinct programs. BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) teaches the system processor on how to deal with basic things, like how to access the hard disk drive and how to write text on screen. POST (Power On Self Test) is executed whenever you turn your PC on in order to test your system. It is in charge of that memory counting that happens every time your turn your PC on. And setup is that program that you call by pressing Del during POST (i.e., during memory counting) that is used to configure your motherboard.

So “BIOS upgrade” really means an upgrade on the programs stored on the motherboard ROM memory. Even though the procedure name is “BIOS upgrade”, you actually upgrade all three programs (BIOS, POST and setup).  

The way to update the motherboard ROM depends on the type of memory chip used in your PC. There are two types of ROM chips used in PCs, Mask-ROM (only on very old motherboards and that cannot be updated by software) and Flash-ROM (on almost all motherboards, which is able to be updated by software). In this tutorial we will cover Flash-ROM.

If you have a very old motherboard (manufactured more than 10 years ago) as shown in the figure below that uses a Mask-ROM chip BIOS upgrade is only possible by replacing the chip with a new one containing the latest BIOS version. This chip can be bought on the motherboard manufacturer’s web site or at http://www.unicore.com.

DIP (Dual In-Line Package) and is used on older motherboards

You can also watch the below video for better understand the BIOS update/Upgrade.

How to Install A scanner?
Installing a scanner on newer PCs is pretty straight-forward. If the scanner is a USB device, you’ll need to install the software CD that came with the scanner. These will normally be one or two disks and a few others that usually only prove to be trial software or other programs you do not need. Be wary of installing these third-party CDs, as you likely will never use them and they tend to want to take over the way media is handled on your computer.

First, unpack the scanner from the box. Make sure you have all of the attachments and especially the quick setup instructions if they were in the box. You can assemble the scanner and set if off to the side. You can plug the power cable in, but do not plug the USB cable into the computer.
Boot up the computer and load the scanner software disk into the CD ROM drive. If it does not launch automatically, you can navigate to it through My Computer and click the setup.exe file. If there are additional disks for your scanner that need to be loaded, you will be prompted for them.

Once the software has been installed, you can then attach the USB cable to the computer. Windows should find the new scanner and load the drivers for it automatically.

Troubleshooting Scanner Problems:
If your scanner had worked in the past but has stopped functioning, you can usually unplug the scanner, then go to Add / Remove Programs in the Control Panel and remove the scanning software. Then you can repeat the installation process above.

If the scanner never worked, you may have a problem with the USB port . Check another device to see if it works in that port.

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